ये यथा मां प्रपद्यन्ते तांस्तथैव भजाम्यहम् |
मम वर्त्मानुवर्तन्ते मनुष्या: पार्थ सर्वश: ||
The heart-wrenching inhumanity of people being brutally killed across the globe has deeply affected me. I have witnessed the power of solidarity as individuals of diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, and religions unite in empathy and opposition to these heinous acts. However, a small faction exists that misuses religion as a cover to propagate hatred and animosity against humankind, and it is to these individuals that I wish to address my thoughts.
First and foremost, the same God who created one person is responsible for creating all. If you believe in and follow the path of a single divine entity, it follows that every human being, regardless of caste, color, creed, or religion, is a child of this one Supreme God. This belief leaves no room for taking another life in the name of religious or ideological differences. No God grants the authority to extinguish a life simply because it does not align with your personal principles.
Secondly, you are no judge of the mankind – He is. It is unfortunate that many of us are quick to harbor hatred when faced with tragedy, rather than offering prayers and support. We must remember that acts of evil have no connection to the divine.
Lastly, liberate yourself from the shackles of hatred. Hate clouds your judgment, corrupts your soul, and taints your heart, leading you astray from the path of righteousness. Once consumed by hate, you become indistinguishable from the very terrorists you condemn.
The world desperately needs advocates of love and peace, not agents of hate. Choose your path with wisdom and care.
If seeking a place in God's realm is my goal, I would much prefer to be a devoted follower than a perpetrator of terror.