Friday, August 26, 2011

Lessons for ManMohan Singh & Team Anna's Philosophy

Lesson's for Manmohan Singh:
  • Don't wait to fight corruption. To wait is to waste time and opportunity. 
  • Don't surrender leadership to outside forces(like Sibbal, Chiddu).
  • Better do something imperfectly than nothing flawlessly.
  • Never reject an idea because its not your way of doing things.
  • You won't be able to eradicate corruption, if you won't begin.
  • Don't surrender your soul to KURSI.
 Team Anna's Philosophy:
  • If we do good, people will accuse us of selfish ulterior motives. But we'll do good anyway.
  • Honesty and frankness makes us vulnerable. But we'll be honest and frank anyway.
  • What we spent years building may be destroyed overnight. But we'll build anyway.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why I'd rather be Anna than Arundhati

Don't miss this one -- Why I'd be Anna and not Arundhati

All credits to the author. Hats off.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


मेरी ख़ामोशी को मेरी कमजोरी न समझ लेना,
जिस दिन मेरा खून चला तुम पानी से बह जाओगे..
मैं चुप हूँ क्यूंकि अभी तक मैं जला नहीं हूँ,
पर मैं जला तो समुन्दर में भी तुम जल जाओगे..
मत लो मेरे सब्र का इम्तेहान मत लो मेरे सब्र का इम्तेहान
अगर सब्र का बांध टूट गया तो जीते जी तुम मर जाओगे..