Saturday, August 9, 2008

Yarron da Tashan

This one is dedicated to those special few who are away from me but not apart:
मैं फिर अपने यारो के साथ जीना चाहता हूँ
मस्ती के जाम पीना चाहता हूँ 
जो मेरी शरारतों पर मुस्कुरा दिया करते थे 
चोट लगती थी मुझे तो मेरा दर्द चुरा लिया करते थे 
दुःख में बैठकर साथ बातें बनाते थे
ख़ुशी में झूमते नाचते गाते थे 
रात को बिजली गुल हो जाती थी, तो हवा कर सबको सुलाते थे 
नींद नहीं आती थी तो फ़ोन करके सबको सताते थे
डाँट पड़ती थी किसी को घर पर तो चुप चाप से खिसक जाते थे
बाहर कोई हाथ भी लगा दे तो उसकी वाट लगाते थे
आँसूं देख के इन आँखों में दौड़ के गले लगते थे 
ऐ खुदा उन यारो से फिर मिला दे 
जो ज़िन्दगी के हर लम्हे को खूबसूरत बनाते थे

Saturday, August 2, 2008


"A fool lives life with only a degree, a wise man lives with enough knowledge to face whatever life throws at him. Seize every opportunity that is offered to you. Do not be frightened of any new challenge, and should you fail, there is no reason to be ashamed. You will learn far more from your mistakes than your triumphs. Do not be afraid of your destiny. Be afraid of nothing. Challenge every writ, and let it not be said of you, I walked a path but never left an imprint." It seems that most pople simply let life happen to them. However a few, a very few, decide the direction they want their life to be in. To stay alive is not just enough; there has to be somehting substantial about your life. If every single person thinks about making his/her life substantial, the world would be heaven and the life will be graceful.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Mask

The MASK -- I am not talking about the movie where someone takes the wooden artifact, wraps it around his face, and personifies the repressed side of his personality. Had it been the case such artifacts would be valuable asstes in identifying the true self of a being. But we are living in a world of real, variables and unknowns, with the only assest of mind and heart.
*Like those who are intelligent or dumb, but avoid the cunning ones.
**Like those who are innocent or clever, but avoid the hoodwinkers.
***Like those with pretty faces or not so pretty faces, but avoid the MASKED ones.
The most beautiful face can some times turn out to be the most decieving one and the Saint could turn out to be a swindler.
It's not the most soft spoken one but the one who has the courage to speak the truth,
It's not the most religious one but the one who follows the sacred path,
It's not the selfish one but the selfless creature - who I term as been wearing his real visage, the rest is all facade.
"Goodness is something that should be imbibed in you rather than an act for you; for you may be the best actor of goodwill to the people but you should remember that the real judge are not they whom you are popular with, but it is HE who maintains your scorecard."