Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Save The Humanity

"Welcome to the world of the girl child, where promise meets despair and hope is overshadowed by gloom. The woman, who rocks the cradle and shapes the destiny of civilization, is tragically one of humanity's gravest concerns today. With numerous summits, conferences, and events being held to address the issue, even the world's top leaders are involved in the cause.

Indian traditions and rituals define the existence of the girl child. Despite clamors for gender equality and law enforcement, female infants are still found abandoned in trash, while unborn fetuses are relentlessly eliminated in the womb. Our society, steeped in discrimination and bound by rituals, has dealt a cruel hand to the girl child, from the moment of conception until the darkness of life."

I won't reiterate what we read in newspapers, nor will I provide reasons for why we should save the girl child. The problem is that people hear but don't listen, read but don't understand.

I pose these questions: Why does the girl child need a "SAVE" title, as if she were an endangered species? What drives society's callous attitude, and does the concept of society even exist in India? At times, it feels like we live in a lawless place more dangerous than a jungle, where even the standard rules don't apply. Just a few months ago, I saw on television how a group of goons killed two young men who resisted their advances towards girls, while hundreds of bystanders watched the horrific scene unfold. These helpless, shameless, remorseful individuals may lament society's ills, but when given the chance to make a difference, they choose to be mere spectators.

I could write thousands of words on the subject, but I will end here. I hope you were born of a woman you call MOTHER and in a nation you call your MOTHERLAND. If you have duties and responsibilities towards your family, you have at least the same obligations towards your nation. And if you cannot respect and love the daughter in your home, don't even consider yourself human, for even animals protect their offspring.

** I changed the title of the post. This title does justice to the article.


zonedin said...

And I wonder if all these discriminating parents ever think about who will be left for their precious boychild to love??? Who will be the mother of their grandchildren??? Who will take care of them when they are old??? Who will bring balance to the spirit???

Sh@s said...

Wish some sense prevails.

Jyoti Mishra said...

I really feel bad about those poor souls n then I thank god 4 giving me such a nice family !!

Really god's blessing as well as some human blessing is needed in this regard.

Saumya said...

it's tragic indeed...in the land where women were once worshiped are brutally killed today...and then too we say "we are a developing nation"...irony!!......if only people get conscience-stricken!!!